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Richard G. Baraniuk, 2021 Prize Winner

Higher Education
C. Sidney Burrus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Founder and Director, OpenStax
Rice University

Engineer, education entrepreneur, and researcher Dr. Richard Baraniuk, the 2021 McGraw Prize winner in Higher Education, has revolutionized college textbook publishing by putting free and open-source books in the hands of tens of millions of students and faculty across the United States and world. As founder and director of OpenStax, the nonprofit educational and scholarly publishing project he founded in 1999, Baraniuk and his team address a major but often hidden barrier to college affordability: college textbooks that can cost hundreds of dollars apiece. OpenStax is grant funded and sustained and scaled by a novel ecosystem of ed-tech companies. Baraniuk has inspired hundreds of education entrepreneurs, who link to his work and create additional innovative tools. Baraniuk is the C. Sidney Burrus Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rice University.